Friday, May 21, 2010

On becoming a photographer

First of all, I know absolutely nothing about photography. Zero, nil, completely nada.

And there comes a challenge of taking shots decent enough to publish in the Etsy shop, and even more, shots that are to make people like my product. Oh man...

Well, I have made some progress. I have discovered macro option in my camera, so instead of a coloured blur I'm getting sharp enough pics. Note to self here: don't give up at the first try. After first few blurry images I came to conclusion that my camera (few years old, after all) is simply not up to the task, and I might be forced to buy a new one. Highly unwelcome expenditure. So I got creative - digging through the list of people possibly willing to lend theirs, considering second hand with trading my old junk option, even trying to drag my sister into cooperation and asking for her help. Catch - she lives an island away. Which is some 500 km away, as crow flies...
So much trouble avoided by discovering one small button.
And I'm so happy I decided to look for an option different than just running to a shop.

Anyway, I got my pics. I'm quite happy with them. Sharp, with warmish hue, decently composed. Check it out yourself, the first one is already up in my shop. Later on I'll put some on this blog, most likely.
What I think I'm missing is the inviting bit, something to make the viewer think - hey, I want those. And I strongly believe that it's not a marketing manipulation, that if seen in front of your eye you would think so as well. I'm only concerned that my skill in photography is not sufficient to show my earrings for what they are.
Any suggestions?

I'm learning. Might be the time to borrow a book on the art of picture taking. Might be an opportunity to catch a new bug and learn a new trade, hehe.
Or at least get a new hobby?

I'm happy when I'm able to look at the world in this way. It seems a friend then, not an enemy to fight with. It seems a place of opportunity.

Still a long way to go before I'll be able to call myself a photographer in anything else than a joke.
I enjoy a good joke though, and even more I enjoy meeting with challenges and overcoming them, one way or another.

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